On December 1st, 1992 I arrived in Morristown, New Jersey (from Albany, New York) to step into my role as the new spiritual director of Center for Spiritual Living Morristown.
It was a very interesting time for me, because when I was FIRST told that its pulpit was open and I should candidate my immediate answer was NO.
I did not want to move to and live in New Jersey and there was some very challenging history with the spiritual director before me that I was not interested in dealing with in any way.
My inner guidance felt something different…I “heard” it loud and clear and said YES! Even at age 35 I knew to listen to inner guidance….
What a blessing these 32+ years have been. Of course, there were ups and downs, but I have truly loved all my years in service to our spiritual community and the greater community.
Serving as pastor/spiritual director is very demanding, because it requires ongoing inner growth and really good self care. It HAS to, because if not it will show up in the community.
Have I made mistakes? Surely…..and I am grateful I learned from them…they grew me!
We have had many people come and go, some because they were not happy or their values were not in alignment with ours. Many people had big dreams and realized them by following them and/or moving to their dream locations. YAY for them! I always trusted that process and I had to learn to never take it personally.
We have gone through many changes, especially the sale of our Mt. Kemble building in 2022 which was sad for some. There were many reasons to sell and it all happened in the right way and at the right time ~in my humble opinion~ and our move to Brookside has been a blessing. The Covid pandemic confirmed this.
I think of ALL the people who have left their mark on our community simply by being there, but especially ALL the generous volunteers…..so, so many. They are the Center for Spiritual Living Morristown (not me). I deeply believe in the Science of Mind Teachings and I deeply believe there is a hunger for it as well as a hunger for spiritual community. I trust that they will find the Center and the beautiful people involved with it and that all the members and friends will be the ones to make that a highest and best experience.
And now it is time for me to leave and to re-inspire. I call retire ‘re-inspire’ and I joke that I don’t need new tires….nor am I tired. I am grateful AND inspired with the time to come. Ministry is in my bones, so I expect to always be of service in some way…..
I leave with a very full heart AND a deep faith that Center for Spiritual Living Morristown’s BEST YET TO BE is not just in great hands with the Leadership but with all the members and friends, present and future.
A fantastic future is ahead….the continued future that began about 70 years ago with a small group of people led by the Rev. Madeline Willms.
And all that I shared in these 32 years is now in you…in some way shape or form, so it LIVES ON TOO!
I love you…always & in all ways! Never forget that!
Dr. Frankie
PS YOU are invited to my party!!