Law of the Lord is Perfect

Posted by: Dr. Frankie Timmers

“The practice of Science of Mind calls for a positive understanding of the Spirit of Truth; a willingness to let this inner Spirit guide us with the conscious knowledge that the “Law of the Lord is perfect.”  Science of Mind Textbook, Dr. Ernest Holmes p55

Do you ever wonder how you can love someone or something more and more?  Are you ever surprised when you hear wisdom and its meaning changes or deepens over the years?  Are you ever excited (I mean REALLY excited) to feel yourself fully embrace a spiritual principle?

Well, let me tell you…I AM!

The wonder, surprise, and excitement are still with me through the 36+ years of studying this teaching.

I feel so blessed to have found this teaching (or for IT finding ME).

I am even more grateful for how this teaching lives in me.

It calls me back to Truth every day.

It reminds me how loved I really am.

It never forsakes me.

It always calls me on my stuff.

It strengthens my resolve.

It encourages me to keep going.

It reveals to me new possibilities.

It shows me how magnificent life is.

And yes, it humorously shows me how silly it is to be anxious and afraid.

All that and then some!

The Centers for Spiritual Living’s Cultural Integrity & Evolution Committee established the theme for 2019 as the year of ‘Spirituality in Action’.  It is based on The 10 Prophetic Justice Principles developed by Rev. James A. Forbes.

2019 starts with January’s usual theme: ‘Learn and Embody Science of Mind Principles’ using the Science of Mind Textbook by Dr. Ernest Holmes.  And YES, I am excited to dive back in AGAIN to the Science of Mind Textbook’s first four chapters, which describe the basics of our teaching: The Thing Itself, The Way It Works, What It Does, and How To Use It.

Understand Truth Principles: start with one. Just one…pick one…pick any…     If you need guidance on how to choose a Truth Principal or which to choose, you may want to attend a class (new class starts Jan 22nd – check our Events web page).

Be willing to let Spirit within you guide you: Meditate! Everyone can meditate! Start with just sitting still and observing your breath.   There are as many ways to meditate as there are people on the planet.   Our classes provide rich resources of information to help improve your meditation practice.

Learn about the Universal Law: There is one basic Universal Law – the Law of Cause and Effect. It’s PERFECT! It works all the time. Think of it as a boomerang. What you give out, comes back to you…what goes around, comes around… within, so without. Think about that, and use it to inspire living Truth Principles and surrendering to the Power and Presence of the Divine already with you!

I’m excited about 2019. I’m excited to embody our beloved teaching even more deeply this year, along with all of you already on this path. AND I’m excited to meet all those who are ‘seeking’….Personally, I like to say ‘finding’, for seekers only seek, but finders actually FIND!


© Center for Spiritual Living Morristown