I See Clearly 💫

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As I awaken to this early morning’s peace and silence, I connect with Infinite Presence & Power that gives me breath.

Allowing myself to be completely settled & grounded in this very Source of my Being I open my eyes and witness the world of effect.

I now carry Source in only the way I can as an individualization of the One into my day and world.

I may grieve as I witness suffering.

I may laugh as humor stirs me.

I may cry as pain seems to take over.

I may rage at injustice.

I may fear the future.

I may trust the Divine.

I surrender all of it as the privilege of being Spirit individualized in my this human experience.

The both/and of life gives me the opportunity to know Source more deeply and be in service to It.

All of life shows me what I believe and today I use this to sincerely hold the vision of a world that works for everyone by doing my part!

So gratefully I keep going back to the Well of Truth…. Gratefully I become still…. Gratefully I let myself be moved by Spirit to do what is mine to do…. From that place of being Unified with the One!

And So It is & Shall Forever Be!

© Center for Spiritual Living Morristown