by Lori Carlson 1/1/2023
Here in this burning bowl
I celebrate the burning of my soul
as like a Phoenix I rise from the ashes into flight
knowing there’s no amount of smoke that can hamper my sight
of the future as I clearly envision it to be
bring it on! bring it on!
I know it begins with me
Today I allow the spark of the divine
to ignite the clutter and kindling of my mind
I allow new space for a new thought and build a bonfire of the past
with all its vestiges, and all its masks
All that I have hidden beneath the brush
that has paved the way thus far crushed
under these leaves, the page is torn and
now set to blaze.
to ignite the light within.
let it begin
and it begins with release,
with letting go and embracing the greater you, the greater me
the greater yet to be
so let’s see
what’s going to be
lit up and let go
today I am releasing the run and embracing the slow stroll
I am releasing the rush and embracing the pause
I am releasing the idea of busy and embracing the concept of fullness instead
I am releasing the feeling of being crowded and embracing the openness of infinite space
I am embracing the bare trees while releasing the concept of bareness
seeing them in the glory of all they will be again
as in all of nature, all of life
I am embracing the excitement that masquerades as fear
I am embracing the unknown, even right here
I am embracing my face naked and real allowing for the expression of exactly how I feel
I am embracing the perfect pace
letting go of the need for it to be faster or slower
as I recognize it’s not a race.
I am embracing the absolute light within,
releasing the need for shadows and darkness
to cause pain or fright, knowing my light
shines even brighter in the dark,
and the shadows can show me the way in to heal.
I embrace the fluidity of life, like water, I flow
even when frozen as in ice and snow
the essence of movement is always there –
fluid, changing, evolving without undo care.
I embrace this as a metaphor for my soul,
releasing whatever keeps me stuck –
knowing that like water I expand and contract
but remain inherently the same.
I embrace this knowing, this truth,
this absolute essence of who and what I am!
So, as ice forms and melts,
as seasons come and go,
as moons wax and wane
as time passes these ashes
come to represent the interconnectedness and eternality of life
Ashes to ashes they say –
Here I am burning this paper,
creating this ash to fertilize and grow
what wants to be grown
in me, as me, and thru me.
new life,new space
new heart, new grace.
With just a slight shift in perspective
and a deep letting go
I open to the miracles
I know are coming my way.
And so I pray and stay,
Burn away my soul
keep me whole.