Written by Lori Carlson
I need to be still and quiet my mind
To get my fill and truly hope to find
A deeper connection with the God within,
It’s not the God of my youth, the God of sin,
But a Universal Energy, All Light, All Love
That’s in me, around me, not somewhere up above,
But a Oneness, a Knowing, a Divinity, it’s true!
That’s equally a part of both me and of you.
For it’s from the inside out that we truly live,
And it takes clear thought for the Universe to give
Us all we desire, it’s already there for us to claim,
By treating and trusting and giving it a name.
We manifest our thoughts, but our thinking we can change.
So, get rid of bad thoughts, it’s really not that strange,
And focus instead on truth, wisdom, peace, love and joy,
Then each day, you’ll greet life like a child with a new toy!
Expectant of good, and knowing it’s your right
To be happy and joyful and keep spreading the light
Of Divinity within, it’s our true nature, it’s real.
And when you know it truly, it’ll change how you feel
About life on this planet, about service, about all
Those things that you stress about from your shoulders will fall.
And Divine Right Action will keep you in the flow
Of all that you’ve remembered, of all that you know
Somewhere deep down inside, that you’re part God, it’s true
A unique expression of Spirit, expressing as you.
So, we study and learn, the better to keep growing
Into our true nature, which is one with the flowing
Of Divine Love, of Creativity, of Abundance and such
Is the reason we came here to earth, so to touch
That part of each other that is One with the Divine,
Knowing that, trusting that, is what makes life sublime.
And so I treat, do affirmations, meditate and pray.
These practices teach me to be present to this day
And experience life as it grows my soul,
For that is my purpose, my one true role.
So, with gratitude for all and with the gift of grace,
I practice this teaching and reveal my true face
Being authentically me, the God that’s within,
I see the God in others, friend, foe and kin.
So, I joyously celebrate this new way of seeing
And thank Divine Love for this better way of being.