Antidote To Separation

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Written by Dr. Frankie Timmers

Today I dwell more deeply in the Consciousness of Oneness, Love and Acceptance than ever before.

Simply and sweetly returning to the Source of my Being, I remember……

I am blessed to see with great clarity that any & all temptation to divide and separate is my blessed opportunity to heal and so then be the healing presence the world so deeply longs for.

Being committed to Divine Science, I surrender to the One Original True Science of the Mind, Heart and Soul.

I let myself be guided to then follow the ever-changing human and physical sciences, doing my best to avoid any inkling of corruption.

I trust myself and my fellow humans on the path of life to do the same and not be lulled to sleep by the world of conditions.

How powerful I become in demonstrating our blessed Principles and Practices from the highest and best place.

This allows for the return of the Sacred.

As a unique instrument of Wisdom and Love, I stay open to learning and evolving, effortlessly surrendering any place of stuckness & regress (conscious & unconscious).

YES, this glorious and provocative idea in mind and heart now becomes a celebration of the diversity and uniqueness of all our life experiences, making room for the greater and the more that is Good and only Good.

I am a powerful unifier, bringing more love and acceptance in only the way I can as a unique individualized expression of the One.


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