A Spiritual Mind Treatment ~ It Is Enough!🦋

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Ohhh, this glorious, wondrous Universe that I live IN AND THAT lives in me.

Nothing could bless me more than this growing awareness….Of course….. growing, since it is infinite.

So today my every breath becomes a celebration of THAT unity.

My every heartbeat a remembrance of my true nature.

What else is there then?

My knowing that I have been on the spiritual path long enough…..

My trust that I have meditated and treated ENOUGH!… My gratitude for all treatments done FOR me….Enough of them!

My receptively to all the love GIVEN! I am so full, I don’t really need any more.

This is my time to welcome my inherent freedom from all encumbrances and make all of my life and living a celebration.

So, whenever any encumbrance seems to appear, I call them too a celebration.

I have already done enough to deserve the experience of the deepest trust & worthiness.

I welcome being free and being me….fully & unencumbered.


© Center for Spiritual Living Morristown